

Page history last edited by Chris Thomson 15 years, 11 months ago

2009 Volunteers



Volunteers are needed to make PodCamp run smoothly. Our top priority is to have enough volunteers to run the registration desk; next on the list are volunteers to act as runners. Other volunteer opportunities may arise, and you can check here to find out about updates.

The Volunteer Schedule has now been posted--please sign up for your preferred areas and time slots! Thank you for all your help.



The volunteer coordinator is Connie Crosby. You can contact her with any questions at


To volunteer, please add your name, email address and when [ day(s)/time(s) ] you'd be willing to volunteer to the bottom of the list. Hit the "Edit Page" button above and use the password "canuck" to edit this page. Please also remember to register via the Registration page. Thanks!


  1. Daniele Rossi - rossi dot daniele at gmail
  2. Mireille Massue // Volunteer // // anytime
  3. Tania Samsonova - tania_samsonova at - Feb.21
  4. Tyffanie Morgan - tyffanie (at) - both days
  5. Jayce Broda - jbroda (AT) cogeco (DOT) ca // anytime
  6. Sheldon Levine / / one of either days
  7. Amy Cross editor at womenmakenewsDOT com -- sporadically over the two days so I can catch some sessions or will help with advance work.
  8. Rick Weiss - richard(dot)weissatgmail(dot)com - I'm planning to keep my schedule open for the weekend.
  9. Heather Leson - heatherleson (at)gmail (dot) com (Can do a shift both days (will want to attend some sessions) and offer advance work)
  10. Jason Lee -
  11. Katherine Matthews - kmatthews AT golden DOT net - registration desk Saturday morning
  12. Heather Angus-Lee - waiting on confirmation of when I present and other sessions before nailing times
  13. Rachel Young - ruyoung at - can work a shift on both days, and would be happy to help with set up or other, wil want to attend sessions as well
  14. Rob Fraser - - @rdjfraser - can help on either day, but it is my first Podcamp so I'm hoping to catch as many sessions as possible
  15. John Piercy - , can help anywhere anytime Connie .. Im planning on getting to the event both days ...
  16. Sonja Andic -, - registration desk, sunday better for me, whatever let me know
  17. Daphnée Nostrome - planning on attending sessions on both days - can help out on sunday - dnostrome(at)
  18. Natalie Secretan ~ ~ I am available Saturday.
  19. Lisa Caroline Leung :: lisa(at)CPRSToronto(dot)com :: Contact me with the specific date/time you need me (I'll also be attending, volunteering depends upon "must-see" session conflicts)
  20. Merlene Paynter - merlene at - Happy to help whenever you need
  21. Peter Mykusz - volunteer to videotape sessions on Saturday
  22. Leona Hobbs - flackadelic at - both days, I am entirely at Connie's disposal.
  23. Uma Chandran - umalina at - Can work a shift on either day but would like to attend sessions also. I can also help with advance work if needed.
  24. Andrey Tochilin - info(at) - Registration Desk, whatever else, available on both days
  25. Linda Mills - lindaemills (at) gmail - reg desk Sat or Sun (expecting to spend lots of time in hallways, anyway!)
  26. Robin Browne - consciousimages(at)gmail(dot)com - I am coming in Friday night and will be around for the whole conference so can do whatever is needed.
  27. Brad Buset - braddotbusetatgmaildotcom - Either day, whatever is needed.
  28. Farah Jamil- farahdotjamilatgmaildotcom-Both days. At Connie's disposal-whatever is needed:)
  29. Jess Bennett/ / Sunday please
  30. John Kerr / Saturday reg. desk/ coffee carrier (no car)
  31. Sean Victorydawn (Cihan Vercan) --> saturday and sunday full time --> promoting safety and crowd management, first-aid/CPR/emergency, lost&found materials
  32. Wendy Vincent
  33. Chris Thomson
  34. Matthew Daniels


Quick Links: FrontPage 2009 Registration 2009 Sessions

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