Podcamp Toronto 2008 Sponsors
Donate Via PayPal [link has been disabled]
Thanks! We couldn't have done it without you!
Media Sponsors:
Why Sponsor PodCamp Toronto?
By sponsoring PodCamp Toronto 2008 you’ll expose your brand to thought-leaders in marketing, PR and traditional media. Last year over 300 people attended the unconference.
Who Attends PodCamp
- PodCamp’s community comprises traditional media professionals, PR specialists, marketing leaders, enthusiastic hobbyists, and several bloggers, audio and video podcasters and more.
- Our demographics tend to point towards the mid-20’s-50’s age range.
- The mix of genders is usually roughly 65/35 male to female.
- We tend to have discretionary income and a strong desire to understand products and services that might appeal to us and/or our audiences.
- Attendees hail from business-to-consumer, business-to-business, not-for-profit and public sector organizations.
What You’ll Get
In return for your sponsorship we will:
Announce your sponsorship through the PodCamp Toronto Twitter account (twitter.com/podcamptoronto) and in the PodCamp Toronto podcast.
Allow you to provide posters to display at the registration desk.
Post your name and logo on the PodCamp Toronto wiki and Facebook group, with a clickable link back to the destination of your choice.
Add your URL to several future blog posts to drive even more traffic back to your site.
Mention and thank you at least twice throughout the event including to all attendees in the opening remarks.
What Do We Need?
Donations: You can sponsor PodCamp Toronto for as little as $250.
Sponsorship in kind: If you would like to donate goods or services to PodCamp Toronto, let us know.
Is It Worth It?
Here are two quotes from one of last year’s sponsors:
“…if you do sponsor, especially in new events, you and your company will be viewed as part of the early “founders” of the conference and the industry.”
“They continue to be worth our time and effort as a company, but most imoprtantly [sic], they’re fun, interesting and a great way to interact with others of similar interests.”
This is a great opportunity to expose your company to leaders from across North America.
For more information on how to sponsor PodCamp Toronto 2008, contact Eden Spodek at espodek [at] gmail [dot] com.
Donate Via PayPal [link has now been disabled]
Quick Links: FrontPage Registration Sponsors | Sessions
Comments (3)
Anonymous said
at 7:32 pm on Feb 1, 2007
At the risk of proving myself woefully "ignant" on the ways of this wiki....the PayPal link wouldn't take me to a donation page. Is it supposed to? I was going to make a donation...it won't be Bill and Melinda Gates money but it will be better than a stick in the eye.
Sombody let me know.
Take care.
Anonymous said
at 9:23 pm on Nov 1, 2007
The PayPal link seems to work. However, having a PayPal link on a Wiki that anyone can edit is risky. Anyone could change the link to point to another account if they really wanted to (not that anyone would... but just in case.)
Anonymous said
at 11:04 pm on Jan 9, 2008
The PayPal link has been updated and moved to another server. Thanks for your concern and suggestions.
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