

Page history last edited by Robin Browne 15 years, 11 months ago

Podcamp Toronto 2009 Scheduling


Session videos are now posted in the media archive.


Please edit the wiki using the password "canuck" and add your name in the slot of your choice.


If you have any questions about scheduling, please contact Jay.


NOTE all rooms have digital projectors but you will have to provide your own laptop, as well as any cables or adapters necessary for you to connect to standard VGA. Mac users -- please bring your own dongle!



The Law of Two Feet


Simply put: your experience at PodCamp is what you want it to be. At any time, if you're not learning what you want to learn, if you're not getting what you need, you have every right to depart the session you're in and move to a different one, or none at all.



NOTICE: Podcamp Toronto sessions are being live-streamed and video recorded for non-commercial use. Individuals may also be taking video and photographs throughout the weekend. By taking part in Podcamp Toronto, you agree to allow use of your image for non-commercial purposes.



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