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Page history
last edited
by Connie Crosby 12 years, 5 months ago
- Jay Moonah jay+@+jaymoonah.com (remove plus signs before sending) - Podcamp Toronto 2008 organizer, Digital Information Strategist with 58Ninety Inc., podsafe musician, podcaster, blogger & all-round sociable social media guy
- Sean McGaughey (ductapeguy+@+hotmail.com remove spaces before sending) - Podcamp Toronto 2008 Blogger, Teacher, Podsafe Folk Singer-Songwriter, Librivox volunteer, Podcasts: For the Sake of the Song, White Trash Land, Librivox Community Podcast
- Helen Sterling (h (at) helensterling.com) - Writer, Musician, fledgling podcaster
- Dave Fleet (davef (at) davefleet (dot) com) - blogger at davefleet.com and TorontoRunner
- Justin Beach beach.justin@gmail.com - also at facebook (add freely) : publicbroadcasting.ca creator, freelance web producer and social media consultant.
- Sean "Ajay" allaxisradio@gmail.com - All Axis Radio host & producer, podCALGARY co-founder, Menial Media founder - Marketing & Communications Coordinator, freelance writer
- Bill Deys bill@deys.ca http://deys.ca http://podcastforum.ca
- Peter Mykusz, Video cameraman for live webcasts, photographer. tribute@interlog.com
- Michelle Sullivan - PR consultant ms@michellesullivan.ca http://eminencegrisemontreal.blogspot.com
- Will Pate - co-host of commandN and Community Evangelist at ConceptShare
- Steve "Snowball" Saylor Producers/Hosts of This Week in Geek
- and Mike "The Birdman" Dodd - Producers/Hosts of This Week in Geek
- Brent Morris "The Closet Geek" - The Closet Geek Show host and producer, Web Developer / Information Architect at Cundari
- Chris "Chris24" Thomson - iMacTips, The Intrwb 2.0 Show, and WP Huddle (all currently on hiatus). Email, Personal Blog.
- John Meadows, creator of Smoky Times. and On the Log podcasts.
- Paul Tedesco
- Glyn Evans glyn@stonehenge.ca Executive Producer / Partner, Stonehenge Media Group Inc.
- Nicholas Montgomery, NichM - 13 year old Blogger, host of the live podcast Blastr, and creator of the new startup. MacintoshGUI contact@nichm.com
- Connie Crosby - conniecrosby (at) gmail.com http://conniecrosby.blogspot.com and co-host of the Podcamp Toronto Blog (now! with real podcasting action!)
- Scarborough Dude, DicksnJanes.
- Mike Allan, newmediaMike - http://newmediaMike.com
- Daniele Rossi, SuperSpud.com and StutteringIsCool.com
- Kristan "Krispy" Uccello Domainer Inc.
- Adele McAlear - Marketing Consultant adele@mcalearmarketing.com http://www.mcalearmarketing.com
- Tim Campbell (aka TimothyPilgrim) - Host and Producer of The Twisted Wrist Podcast and associated news blog.
- Stephanie Goetz, sgoetz (at) ryerson.ca, Learning Technology Specialist, Ryerson University
- Stephen Bush, Promodem Media and blog at http://www.ecologicliving.ca
- William Spaetzel - E-mail - CastRoller.com
- Tommy Vallier - Community Developer over at TalkShoe, and general new media fan/consultant.
- Frank Abrams - abrams at sympatico.ca --- www.frankabrams.com (podcasting startup in motion)
- Chris Montgomery - Chris A. Montgomery Architect - Architect & Podcast Enthusiast http://www.camarchitect.com
- Robin Yap - http://blog.robinyap.com Partner, Phronetic International (http://www.phronetic.ca)
- Edward Perry - eperry@worldhotels.com, eCommerce Director, Worldhotels.
- Jamie A. Ferguson-Woods - jamie dot fw @heavy.com, Sales Executive, Heavy.com
- Mitch Joel - Twist Image and host of Six Pixels of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast. - I may not be able to make, but please hold my spot... just in case.
- Jenny Bullough - Harlequin Enterprises Ltd podcasts
- Andy Strote - Context Creative
- Daniel Ho - Matrix Meridian Corporation / danielho.ca / The Learning Guys
- Elaine Singer - Sounds Great - Voice Talent
- Chris Clarke - Student PR and NATIONAL Public Relations
- Katherine Matthews - Purl Diving
- Rob Lee - Purl Diving (Just The Tech Guy :-) )
- Heather Delaney Two Boobs and a Baby +
- and Dave Delaney - Two Boobs and a Baby +
- Matthew Daniels -Host of Muiscprint podcast. owner of www.musicprint.wordpress.com, mattmacdaniels@gmail.com
- Wayne MacPhail - http://w8nc.com
- Sean Bush - Promodem Media
- Michael Mistretta - michaelmistretta *at* mac *dot* com - GeekChat
- Eden Spodek - espodek+@+gmail.com (remove plus signs before sending) - Bargainista and Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan
- Mircea Baldean - iSPINIT.com - Naturally Famous Tunes Podcast
- Doug Nix - Machinery Safety 101, dougnix*at*machinerysafety101*dot*com
- Mike Kujawski - Public Sector Marketing 2.0 -mike*at*mikekujawski*dot*ca
- Saul Colt - FreshBooks and The Smartest Man in the World
- Hans-Jörn Eich - ukunto.com
- Alan Kirker - abkirker*at*uwaterloo*dot*ca
- Ruth Haworth - rhaworth*at*sentex*dot*ca
- June Macdonald - beingdirect
- Kate George - cayeegee@yahoo.com
- -Francis Wooby - --http://www.wooby.ca-
- Ben Wong - Promodem Media
- Jim Milles - Check This Out!, UBLaw Podcast, and The Shadow and James Show
- Angela Carito-Walmsley, angelacw AT rogers DOT com, mélange and http://angelacw.tumblr.com
- Troy Whitmore - HangFlyer.com & MediaAngles.com
- Marko Kulik - Photography podcast & Pet podcast
- Gillian Hatton - Cybersensibilities & Location Strategies & dog blog at Terrier Tails
- Martin Cleaver - BlendedPerspectives.com - Wiki Consulting: Strategy, Process, Technology & People
- Philip Campbell - me.dm (medium) - Web2.0 Developer, Producer of show \"thegravity\" show (9PM GMT), video support for podcampuk (one of the organizers)
- Roslyn Allen - writer, broadcaster, troublemaker.. social media instructor www.therozblog.com
- Vergel Evans - Host of the Lx7 Podcast (an Electronic Music Production & Artist Interview Podcast) - Co-Host of Last Call Kitchen Cooking Podcast
- Gary Schlee, does the blogging thing at A Class Act and the teaching thing at Centennial's Centre for Creative Communications
- Beth Lawrence, 'Grow See This' is my gardening blog and podcast.
- Gary Marriott, 'Grow See This' technical assistance and editing to Beth's gardening blog and podcast. Genius at large.
- Ninja hosts of the Hot Fossils and Rebel Matters Show . Facebook name: Ninjar DeHotFRM. Skype: Hotfrm E-Mail: hotfrm@gmail.com Podshow: http://hotfossils.podshow.com/">http://hotfossils.podshow.com/
- and Special K, hosts of the Hot Fossils and Rebel Matters Show
- Michelle Tampoya, Scotiabank
- Evan Bush-Promodem Media and Ecologicliving.com
- John Piercy - www.johnpiercy.com
- Alexander Repetski- www.giraffestudios.com
- Carol Bremner, blogs at www.canadianwelcome.ca
- Melanie Bremner, blogs at KDBdbbusinessservices.blogspot.com
- Cat - catfishshow (at) gmail (dot) com - CatFish Show
- Bob Goyetche - bobgoyetche (at) gmail (dot) com - Canadian Podcast Buffet, CatFish Show, Bob and AJ, Mostly Tunes
- Carolyn Tateishi - carolyn (at) ctateishi (dot) ca
- Caroline Kolch, Communications Assistant - University of Toronto Schools
- Mark Blevis - markblevis (at) gmail (dot) com - Canadian Podcast Buffet, Just One More Book, Electric Sky, Podcasters Across Borders
- Andrew Beatty - drewbeatty +@+gmail.com - TDSB Teacher, White Trash Land author, fearless Twitterer
- Violet Vale - violetvale7 (at) gmail (dot) com
- Cyrus Mavalwala, cyrus+@+advantiscomm.com (remove plus signs before sending) -- Advantis Communications
- Ernesta Rossi, ernesta at advantiscomm dot com Advantis Communications
- Tristan Homer - Jim Dupree: Enthusiast, Collective Productions
- Dan Misener - Jim Dupree: Enthusiast, Spark (CBC Radio)
- Michael Eh? - AnimeLondon.ca (video and possible podcast)
- Brian Hogg - Hoggworks - Writer, Filmmaker, Puppeteer - Creator of dotBoom
- Madelyne Hilker - Hoggworks - Scholar, Puppeteer - Puppet-builder for dotBoom
- Jerome Marrin, jerome (at) jeromemarrin (dot) com www.jeromemarrin.com
- [http://colin.smillie.ca"Colin Smillie] - [http://refreshpartners.com"refresh partners]
- Matthew Burpee
- Stevie Z - The Sieve! badlybentpub AT yahoo.ca
- Chris Ragobeer - Nametaggs.com
- Adriana Ieraci
- Julio Aguiar
- Ryan G
- Rick Weiss - CC&PR student @ Centennial College, blogs at Playing Games with PR
- Mark Raheja
- Camilo Acero - Creative Director - www.vloginternacional.com
- Kristina Lively -http://shadowandjames.com/, www.livelyhood.com
- Gisela McKay - gm -at- pixcode.com
- Michelle Boudreau - The Sieve! michelleandsteve+@+rogers.com (remove +)
- Mary Shields - radio host - http://www.erinradio.ca/
- Ray Acayan
- Alan K'necht - Founder/President at K'nechtology - http://www.knechtology.com - Blog - www.knecht-it.com
- Jennifer Lyall healthymomsconnect (@at ) rogers (.dot ) com
- PJ Wade, THE CATALYST - http://www.TheCatalyst.com
- Gabriel Mansour — web junkie, podcast enthusiast & wannabe podcaster
- Libin Pan
- bob rhodes robertirhodes@gmail.com
- David nankoff davidnankoff@yahoo.com
- Roberto Baca - roberto.baca@gmail.com Website developer for the Maytree Foundation.
- Kim Vallee - entertaining expert, designer, tastemaker and writer - blog.kimvallee.com
- Jerome Paradis - Jerome's TOT and president of ParadiVision
- Susan Murphy - http://suzemuse.wordpress.com Suzemuse and co-owner of Jester Creative Inc.
- Jonathan Lin - jhslin@gmail.com
- Vivian Hingsberg - http://www.rambleonblog.blogspot.com- So bummed that I can't make it! Was really looking forward to it.
- Joanne Campbell jojoc@rogers.com The Ottawa Citizen
- Malcolm Bastien - Ryerson IT Management Student - Blogs at http://openmode.ca
- Liam O'Doherty Avoid.net
- Cynthia Martyn http://mindingherbusiness.typepad.com
- Colin Jobe- Host of black community radio show The Cuttingedge on CHRY 105.5 FM, www.chry.fm , thecuttingedge02@yahoo.com
- Stephen Wdowczyk http://www.linkedin.com/in/stephenwdowczyk Director of Student Life NOW! www.studentlifeeducation.com
- Miranda McCurlie-- CC&PR student @ Centennial College
- Rayanne Langdon - Corp. Comm. & PR student @ Centennial College; blogs at Wide-eyed and Jaded
- Megan Ramsay - PR Student, Centennial's Centre for Creative Communications
- James Wadsworth - radio.laml.org
- Tod Maffin - CBC Radio's national technology columnist, blogger, and social media strategist: InsideTheCBC.com and TodMaffin.com
- (Sassy) Sonya Buyting - Host & Producer of Sassy Science podcasts and TV Host, Producer, & Director at High Fidelity HDTV.
- Duane Brown - Blogger at BandwidthCamp; PR/Marketing rep at Creative Traction; e-mail: duane @ creativetraction.com (no spaces).
- Russ Morgan- Marketing Coordinator @ Maritz Canada - myblog
- Sonja Andic, Account Coordinator, Cowan & Company, Toronto
- Victoria Fenner, Independent Radio Producer, Magnetic Spirits Productions.
- Peter West, Peter West Coaching, www.peterwest.ca
- Keith McArthur of com.motion, the social media division of Veritas Communications
- Douglas Walker of Webwalker.ca Shill Podcast and Social Media Today podcast
- Pierce Derks Geek Gamers & This Week In Geek, http://www.thisweekingeek.net
- & Ashley Pawliw- Geek Gamers & This Week In Geek, http://www.thisweekingeek.net
- Nicholas Osborne, http://impracti.ca
- Angelo Cerase - financial advisor and future podcaster, a_cerase@hotmail.com
- Amaya Thompson - Lead singer of "Uncle Seth", Podcaster (or at least talks on a podcast) email: amayathompson (at) gmail (dot) com
- Keith Burtis & Michelle Miszewski, KeithBurtis(Twitter Name) www.magicwoodworks.com (Blog Name) I am a woodturner/woodworker that is looking to start a video podcast with my craft. My work can be found www.flickr.com/keithburtis. Looking forward to first podcamp. Please add me on twitter or e-mail (magicwoodworks1@gmail.com) me for any information on meet up's etc...
- & Michelle Miszewski www.magicwoodworks.com
- Preston Buttons hosts of "Air Out My Shorts" (comedy podcast) www.airoutmyshorts.com
- & The Word Whore -- hosts of "Air Out My Shorts" (comedy podcast) www.airoutmyshorts.com
- Mark Giles of Scrap Time, Video Podcaster, Camera Assistant, Looking forward to my first Podcamp.
- Pod Father thepodfather08@yahoo.com
- Peter O'Connell, www.audioconnell.com and www.voxmarketising.com DOWNLOAD the official Podcamp Toronto 2008 podcast promo here: http://audioconnell.com/blog/?p=314
- Wendy Williams promoting "SHEESHAM and LOTUS" Old Time fiddle & banjo music: wendy5177@gmail.com
- Sylvain Grand'Maison du Québec en Baladodiffusion
- James Koole from Tucows
- Judith Campbell
- Louie La Vella - bpmtv host/producer & La Vella Mobile Radio (streaming audio) exec.
- Frank Di Tomasso - La Vella Mobile Radio director
- Ryan Saxby HIll (The Saxby Blog)
- Steve Harris steve+@+purpletreemedia.com (remove plus signs before sending) - Purple Tree Media, usually helping others get their podcasts out.
- Natalie Bomberry - nab@nabcommunications.com
- Wayne Shipley - wshipley@ryerson.ca
- Weina Wang - Electronic Services Librarian, University Health Network
- Shu Esther Jian - Comm studies major, graduated - ji.sesther@gmail.com
- Robin Browne consciousimages(at)gmail(dot)com. http://dabizblog.com
- Elissa Matthews - elissa.matthews@ryerson.ca
- Michael Baynger - http://theuseradvocategroup.com - Bridging the gap between end users and engineers (and loving it).
- Phil Rickaby - http://grinningskull.com - phil (at) grinningskull (dot) com
- Al Gritzmacher (Doc Wu) of the Buffalo Live Music Podcast wnypodcast.com- (sorry I couldn't make it!)
- Henna Singh email: henna AT CanadianBeauty DOT com - www.CanadianBeauty.com
- Rob Clark, Social Media Analyst, Social Media Group - rob.clark@socialmediagroup.ca
- Richard Chassie
- Thomas Bergeron
- Nancy McGaughey- podcast listener, and long suffering podspouse
- Maggie Fox from Social Media Group (former podcaster - now I'm just a groupie) sadly, I'll be planning/recovering from my brother's engagement party :(
- Nancy Paiva- Photgrapher www.flickr.com/photos/torontogalphotos
- Stacey McLeod, section editor at toronto.com
- Stacey Boguslavskaya. marketing at www.wildapricot.com
- Andrey Tochilin, tochilin.com, marketing at Wild Apricot
- Brenna Flynn of com.motion, the social media division of Veritas Communications
- Shalindhi Perera, television/video producer
- Mark Boudreau, Podcaster and Blogger from The Rock and Roll Report
- Floyd Marinescu, Co-Founder/CEO of InfoQ.com software development community, and TheServerSide.com. We publish lots of video, books, media. :)
- Kyra Aylsworth - Podcast producer for Inside PR and general social media enthusiast hailing from Thornley Fallis Communications.
- Allan Sorensen
- Christopher Wulff
- Ryan couldreY - Dear Toronto dot com - zee vidcast
- Cass Enright - The Bar Towel amongst other things
- Connor "mosenori" Bevans - mosenmori@gmail.com
- Seema Sabnani- Marketing & Communications @ cfcfreates.com, The Canadian Film Centre- Promoting Canadian Talent in Film, Television,& New Media.
- Tammy Yiu – New Business Designer, TBWAToronto
- Christa Jean, webitor/blogger @ Petite Fashionista.com
- Guy Skipworth, Mediaco and fan of InsidePR
- Zoë Zwolak, PR & Partnerships Coordinator, Tilley Endurables
- Marce Bylinska, podcast listener, wannabe podcaster
- Sugal Dabakaeri, podcast addict
- Luke Rodgers
- Benjamin Gitterman, photographer & blogger
- Di Gallo, Cineplex Entertainment
- Jane Motz Hayes, WebFeat Multimedia Inc.
- Brian Moran, writer and, podcast newbie
- Geo Perdis, mediamaker and collaboration evangelist at Octopz
- Pat Furlong, PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Tom Cagley, blogger and podcaster www.spamcast.net
- Barb Cagley, SCK Design
- Chris Williams, Media (we're looking to hire) Contacts
- Sandra Johnson, myjanetblog AT yahoo DOT com (replace AT with "@" and DOT with ".")
- Lisa Samuels, Internet Marketing Manager at Annick Press
- Sue Edworthy, Marketing Manager, Artscape
- Tamera Kremer, Founder, Wildfire Strategic Marketing and (3i) blog
- Mark Harvey, High Road Communications
- Kim Fox, Manager, Digital Programming CBC foxk-at-cbc-dot-ca
- sam Hell, Musician and Podcaster, www.samhellmusic.com
- Crispin Bailey, Technologist & Blogger Lookdeeper.com
- Jason Verwey - 0ne Five Place
- Collin Douma - Social Media Group and radicaltrust.ca
- Jennifer McNenly, KM Coordinator, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
- Tuuli Hannula, PR Manager, Smak - www.smak.ca
- Nathan Adorjan (nadorjan@gmail.com)
- Jeff Higgins - (jefe46@gmail.com)
- (name removed March 23, 2012)
- Samantha Lovelace - Administrative Coordinator at Thronley Fallis Communications and Podcast Assistant to Kyra Alysworth
- Jamie Brown - Music producer and Samantha Lovelace's partner in crime
- Sammy Younan Rock Manager (writeto28@yahoo.com)
- Loretta Levinson - Consultant - LorettaLevinson@sympatico.ca
- Vinesha Perera, Co-founder, Celltrigen Inc., www.postbyme.com
- Janine Harris janine+@+purpletreemedia.com (remove plus signs before sending) - Purple Tree Media
- Jason Cable - jason@jasoncable.com GLBT Podcast/Blog from Pittsburgh, PA, USA... also one of many involved in PodCamp Pittsburgh
- Michael Estarez - Link Engage Toronto Website Marketing
- Scott Mac Donald - MAVERICK PR Fuzzy Gloves
- Anne Abbott - anniecast.libsyn.com
- Jen Sagar jensagar@sympatico.ca
- Elisabeth Mozel, NATIONAL Public Relations
- Luke Pomorski, Cello Journey video podcast
- Nadine Lessio- dunderbug I make pretty things for the interwebs.
- Joseph Wilburn, PR Student @ Niagara College and Blogger, Cogitations of a PR Student
- Katherine Fisher, Online Marketing Specialist, EF Educational Tours
- Zoe Siskos, Social Media Group and http://www.mediumandthemessage.com.
Amanda deVogel, Manager Sales & Marketing Programs, Scotiabank
- Melinda Van Patter, Client Relations Manager, Marketwire
- Andrew Malcolm, andrewmalcolm@shaw.ca, freelance writer and photographer
- Julien Smith, some random guy In Over Your Head
- Bobbie Smith, internal communications director, writer, knitter. Read My Footprint: http://readmyfootprint.wordpress.com
- Robin Khan, Recent grad of Digital Media Arts at Seneca College. Currently working in the field of videography, video editing and motion graphics. Attended Podcamp last year and had a blast!!!!
- Laura Brehaut, content producer
- Natalie Secretan, Centennial College: Public Relations & Corporate Communications. PR Blog: www.natsecretan.wordpress.com (Super Word Nerd).
- Edgar Maldonado, Journalist, sevenews@yahoo.com
- Laurent LaSalle of the Headphones required / Mets tes écouteurs podcast
- Andrew Rivett, freelance developer, photographer and blogger, Digital Mouse Works, PhotoFrog, The Paige Show.
- Many Ayromlou, IT Specialist, Nerdlogger.com, Photo Gallery.
- Bronwyn Page, bronwynpage@gmail.com
- Jeff Hinz, Friday Night Dance Party, RawVoice
- Erik Matelski, Social Media Junkie
- Jenny Zheng
- Aga Magdolen
- Stan Magdolen, www.parkinghunter.com
- Karol Les www.makeshiftrecords.com
- Russel Hale from Ramble WIth Russel podcast at http://ramblingruss.libsyn.com
- Jeff Lagerquist - Erin Radio - www.erinradio.ca
- Stan Horbczyk, Lawyer, www.showlaw.com
- Sunir Shah, marketroid, www.freshbooks.com
- Arianne Robinson, ariannerobinson@gmail.com
- Adrian Ionescu, GLPrint Business Cards
- Michelle Campbell
- Patrick O'Sullivan, pg.osullivan@gmail.com
- Lisa Hamilton, 58Ninety, Client Engagement Manager, lisa (at) 58ninety (dot) com
- Debra Douglass, debra@pilotpmr.com
- Maria Kubyshkina designer, writer, filmmaker www.kmaria.com
- Kimberly Anderson Communications writer, Ryerson PR student kimberly.anderson@ontario.ca
- Ryan Maule, freelancer/podcaster extrordinaire VGM Daily http://www.vgmfusion.com (rmaule@gmail.com)
- Lizanne Donnelly, PR ingenue lizannedonnelly@mac.com
- Diana Moore, modriana(at) gmail.com, TV Producer/wannabe podcaster
- Brian Coleman, brianjcoleman (at) gmail.com, Project Manager Trapeze Media
- Robert Mills, contact@millsworks.net, millsworks.net
- Jess Bennett, Public Relations Practitioner, Blog Campaigning
- Matt Drennan-Scace, Media and Communications Coordinator, http://www.media-network.org">The Media Network for a Smoke-Free Ontario
- Chris Brogan, generally nice-ish guy, co-founder of PodCamp,[chrisbrogan.com]
- Paul Short, Pro Blogger and part-time video podcaster at PaulShort.com
- rachel young - education and training blogger, life-long life-wide learner [http://ruyoung.wordpress.com]
- cullen scannell, cullensATgmailDOTcom
- Joseph Hurtado, software developer, amateur photographer, writer and aspiring podcaster Twitter , Flickr
- Paul Boelen, consultant, pwb advisory group, pboelen@sympatico.ca
- Janice Moran, designer, jessdewet@aol.com
- Michael Fox, Consultant, http://urbanjazz.ca
- Christopher Fowler, sirique (at) hotmail
- Kristen Marano, Communications and Marketing, Mount Sinai Hospital
- Dave Senior, New Media Producer, Software developer, Entrepreneur
- Nic Neath, Visio Limited. Earf Pusher, Minimal Techno Enthusiast, Aspiring New Media Producer. nicneath@gmail.com
- HiMY SYeD, Islamic Banker, Torontopreneur, Co-Founder of Torontopedia.ca
- Karen Sun , Executive Director - Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter
- Lisa Bradburn, Project Manager, Digital Programming, CBC lisa_bradburn@hotmail.com
- Lara Torvi, Communications Coordinator, Cabinet Office
- Steven Green, Manager, Creative Serivces and New Media, Cabinet Office
- Tracey Ormerod, ormerod_tracey@yahoo.com
- Gina Collymore, Communications Associate, gcollymore@rogers.com
- Steven James May, War on Symmetry, http://waronsymmetry.com
- Avrum Nadigel, avrum.nadigel (at) gmail DOT com
- Dino Demopoulos, Chroma, Plannersphere on Facebook, Planner at TBWA
- Ryan Gamble > Passionate innovator of online communication experiences
- Mou Mukherjee - IT B2B Marketer, blogs at cadenceblog
- Kate Robinson, Corporate Communications Student at Seneca College, m.kate.robinson@gmail.com
- Chelsea P. Manders, virgin theatre arts podcaster and funny songstress, chelseapmanders@gmail.com
- James Musselman, james@stonehenge.ca Stonehenge Media Group Inc.
- Erik Canaria, aspiring podcaster
- Jess - jessicafranchesca@gmail.com
- Kelowna Vincent - Studio Media Designer, XM Satellite Radio - kelowna (allthewayat) xmradio dawt ca
- Peter Toccalino - researcher/writer, Innovia Partners
- Irene Spadafora, producer Indigo Audio
- Heather Leson, Customer Communications, Tucows
- David Jones, co-hosts the Inside PR podcast (which was strongarmed into playing the Podcamp Toronto promo by the persuasive Eden Spodek) and co-hosts Shill, the podcast, blogs at PRworks.ca and pays his bills as VP, Digital Communications at Hill & Knowlton's Toronto office.
- Amy Huynh, Corporate Communications student, huynh.amy@gmail.com
- Amphy Saygnavong, National Communications, Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada
- Michelle Chang, blogs at heightenperception, learns at Humber College in the PR postgraduate certificate program
- Emma Huang, Public Relations Certificate Program from Ryerson University
- Staffeen Thompson, Corporate Communications & Public Relations, Centennial College, http://www.debunkd.wordpress.com
- Andrea Ross - justonemorebook (at) gmail (dot) com - Just One More Book!! children's book podcast
- Quyen Ha, Consultant, Jesson Artmont Communications qha@jessonartmont.com
- Stephanie Kale, Journalist, Blogger
- Andray Domise - Life Worth-based Financial Advisor with International Captial Management. andray.domise@icm-canada.com
- Angelica Barr - Digital Media Specialist http://www.linkedin.com/in/angelicabarr
- Michelle Joseph - getunderscoreredathot
- Todd Hutchings - Director, Distance Learning, OHA, thutchings(at)oha(dot)com
- Fenton Jagroop - Technical Coordincator, Distance Learning, OHA, fjagroop(at)oha(dot)com
- Rebecca Moonah - Assistant, Distance Learning, OHA, rmoonah(at)oha(dot)com
- Cheryl Sandys - Standard Life
- Sarah Gardiner - Irish Academy of Public Relations
- Trina Boos, Account Director, MacLaren MRM - trina@adlounge.ca
- Donna Papacosta of Trafalgar Communications and PodcastYourConference.com and host of Trafcom News Podcast (attending Saturday only)
- Shirley Yee - www.happyworker.com
- Kiran Sandhu- Public Relations Certificate- Humber College
- Sarah Daly - Public Relations Consultant, Veritas Communications daly(at)veritascanada(dot)com
- Nelson Fernandes - Project Manager, Interactive, Trapeze Media nelson@trapeze.com
- Nancy Rebholz, outreach specialist, University of Wisconsin-Madison nrebholz@education.wisc.edu
- Nicolle & Alistair Morton, Geeks, Peapod Studios
- Kimberly Lyn, Seneca College, ktlyn@learn.senecac.on.ca
- Helen Karrandjas, Account Director, MMRM
- Glenn Teneycke
- Merlene Paynter - merlenepaynter.com
- Karin Maier, CC&PR student @ Centennial College, karinmk@rogers.com, student blog PRattle On
- Sulemaan Ahmed
- Whitney Hoffman,The LD Podcast, Podcamp Philly, Podcamp NYC and Podcamp Boston 2 organizer. Glad to be able to make it!
- Joseph Stabb, New Media Editor at News 4, Buffalo; Public Relations Graduate Student @ Buffalo State College, joe@joestabb.com or joe.stabb@wivb.com
- Travell Perkins, tlperkins at gmail.com, Founder RGB Daily.com
- Siobhan Fitzmaurice siobhanfitzmaurice@gmail.com
- Rochelle Williams rochelle.will@hotmail.com
- Matthew Harris, www.foodea.com
- Matthew Cloutier, www.foodea.com
- Mike Blankier, www.foodea.com
- Natasha Carr, Corporate Communications and PR student @ Centennial College, blogs at: http://journalist77.wordpress.com (FeelMyFire)
- Yiping Ye, co-founder, Celltrigen Inc., www.postbyme.com
- Lee Dale - Loves to talk about Brand Communities at Smack.
- Matt Rintoul - Loves to make stuff work at Smack.
- Meaghan Fortner-Student
- Glenn McKnight, www.fbsc.com, http://oshawacommunityconservation.blogspot.com, Sustainable and Appropriate Technologies
- Janice DIner GM, Creative Director Ripple Social Media, Sharpe Blackmore Euro RSCG janice.diner@sharpeblackmore.com
- Marie Ainey, marie dot ainey at gmail dot com
- Matt Campagna, Full-time Film Maker and Part-time Podcaster.
- Anastasia Tubanos, New Media and TV Producer.
- Heather Adler, Online Producer at CBC, heatheradler (at) canada.com
- Laura Pasquini, Academic Advisor - Electronic Resources @ Academic Advising & Career Services, University of Toronto Scarborough, pasquini@utsc.utoronto.ca
- Suzanne Fernando, Electronic Resource Assistant @ Academic Advising & Career Services, University of Toronto Scarborough
- Mona Abunameh, Electronic Resource Assistant @ Academic Advising & Career Services, University of Toronto Scarborough, 05abunam@utsc.utoronto.ca
- Peter McGarvey, Managing Partner, GAP Opensource, www.gapopensource.com
- George Motoc, ethnic podcaster, Toronto. http://georgeradio.podomatic.com
- Sal Greco, Video Post Production, Rogers Communications Centre, Ryerson University salgreco@ryerson.ca
- CD Rudd, host of WebComic Talk Group, on TalkShoe (31253)
- Jose Leal, CEO, Toronto - http://www.wikiDOMO.com
- Jesse Collins, Moxy Webworks
- Carol Lee, York University Design
- Rock Jethwa, Manager User Experience, TELUS
- Lynn Sullivan, email dot lsullivan at gmail dot com, Project Manager
- Kris Schantz, Happy Worker and The Toy Agency
- Heidi Bedore, Happy Worker and The Toy Agency
- Ryan Wiseman, theOwen.com
- Lynda Rinkenbach, lrinkenb@ryerson.ca
- Mark van Tol, PR practitioner @ NATIONAL - melkweg_@hotmail.com
- Michael "JyNx" Russell, Cream Team Entertainment, jynxyjynx@hotmail.com
- Alan Christopher Smith, Solutionist & Partner at The Movement, alan@themovement.info
- Aaron Foley, Smalltownunderground.net
- Alana DaSilva, student @ Centennial college CC/PR program, http://amdasilva.wordpress.com, www.centennialcollege.ca
- Darcy Fiander, producer: TVA Podcast with Todd Van Allen
- Kimberly Nix, Sponsor, Machinery Safety 101
- E-Lin Chen, Academic Advising & Career Centre, UT Scarborough
- Parker Mason BlogCampaigning
- Sharon Flynn Sharon_Flynn@cbc.ca
- Phouphet Sihavong phet22@hotmail.com
- Vandana Sen senv@peelregion.ca
- Liz Carren fullcircledesigns@mac.om
- Nic Schulz nicschulz@hotmail.com
- Andrew Wagar a_wagar@hotmail.com
- Elizabeth O'Grady, Online Marketing Consultant, Bata Shoe Museum
- Amy May McDougald, Creative Director & Owner, Heart & Soul Media / amy@heartandsoulmedia.com / www.heartandsoulmedia.com
- Chaka Ifill, Blacklight Bros. Inc, chaka_ifill@rogers.com
- Richard Adams, Ryerson University, richard.adams@ryerson.ca
- Josh Turner, turn'er around! PR, joshturner@rogers.com
- Sarah McGaughey, mainstreamgrrl@hotmail.com
- Kyle GLover, ky_elly@ hotmail.com
- Michelle Book, mbook@hotmail.com
- Ushnish Sengupta, ushnish.sengupta@gmail.com
- Vik Pahwa, vikpahwa@yahoo.ca
- Ryan McKillop, rmckillo@gmail.com
- Rhonda Bowen, Centennial College's Corporate Communications and Public Relations, blogs at learningtheropes.wordpress.com
- Kumarie Perera, Marketing Assistant, Ontario Hospital Association, kperera@oha.com
- Amy Cross, editor of the soon-to-be- launched Women Want Answers.com -- a collaborative news venture for women
- Brad Fortner, Program Director, Operations and Technolgy, Ryerson University and creator of Nonya Nerd! http://www.rcc.ryerson.ca:554/bfortner/tofcpug/may2007/file1.mov
- Anamaria Tivadar, ativadar@gmail.com
- Chris Moakler, video editor & shooter, moaklermagic@msn.com
- Andrew Young, Puppeteer, Blogger, Filmmaker & recent Twitter convert
- Tari Akpodiete - Tari+Akpodiete+@+gmail.com (remove + to email) - Chief Blogger and Manager of Community & Communications for Moviestorm - http://www.moviestorm.co.uk (free machinima software); technology & entertainment journalist; writer/producer/director (film & television)
- Lauren Toppozini - hellagood27@gmail.com
- Billi Jo Cox, Director. BACCHUS Canada a division of The Student Life Education Company www.studentlifeeducaiton.com
- Keka DasGupta, Precision Markting Group, kekadasgupta@rogers.com
- Hester Fuchs, Precision Marketing Group, hester_fuchs@hotmail.com
- Anthony Burroughs
- Drew Burroughs
- Matt Watson
- Steve Iannetta
- Patrick Keenan
- Derek Stockley
- RD Shaw - The Special
- Annalicia Kaban - macsilu@hotmail.com
- Lei Finke - finkez@gmail.com
- Mathijs Gajentaan, Marketing Manager, VisualSonics Inc.
- Diego Salgado, Project Manager, Four Peas Marketing
- Prevost,Gerry,- ontariogeocacaching podcast - ontariogeocaching@gmail.com
- Jason Myles, Principal, The A-List Agency - www.thealistagency.com
- Edward Gorodkine, ETRIX Communications - edgor@rogers.com
- Dougal Bichan, producer/director, principal, Dougal & Co. Inc.
- Saleem Khan, journalist
- Andrea Vascellari, Entrepreneur, Podcaster, Blogger; aka andreavascellari on ooVoo ( Blog Media Channel Life Stream Twitter Jaiku ) mail (at) vascellari (dot) com
- George aka RyeBlogger; blogger at BlogRyerson.ca - a Ryerson blog
- -------------------------------------------------2008 REGISTRATION CLOSED! PLEASE REGISTER 2009----------------------------------------------------
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