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Page history last edited by Connie Crosby 12 years, 5 months ago Saved with comment


2008 Registrants




***For 2009 please register on the 2009 Registrants page***


  1. Jay Moonah jay+@+jaymoonah.com (remove plus signs before sending) - Podcamp Toronto 2008 organizer, Digital Information Strategist with 58Ninety Inc., podsafe musician, podcaster,  blogger & all-round sociable social media guy
  2. Sean McGaughey (ductapeguy+@+hotmail.com remove spaces before sending) - Podcamp Toronto 2008 Blogger, Teacher, Podsafe Folk Singer-Songwriter, Librivox volunteer, Podcasts: For the Sake of the Song, White Trash Land, Librivox Community Podcast
  3. Helen Sterling (h (at) helensterling.com) - Writer, Musician, fledgling podcaster
  4. Dave Fleet (davef (at) davefleet (dot) com) - blogger at davefleet.com and TorontoRunner
  5. Justin Beach beach.justin@gmail.com - also at facebook (add freely) : publicbroadcasting.ca creator, freelance web producer and social media consultant.
  6. Sean "Ajay" allaxisradio@gmail.com - All Axis Radio host & producer, podCALGARY co-founder, Menial Media founder - Marketing & Communications Coordinator, freelance writer
  7. Bill Deys bill@deys.ca http://deys.ca http://podcastforum.ca
  8. Peter Mykusz, Video cameraman for live webcasts, photographer. tribute@interlog.com
  9. Michelle Sullivan - PR consultant ms@michellesullivan.ca http://eminencegrisemontreal.blogspot.com
  10. Will Pate - co-host of commandN and Community Evangelist at ConceptShare
  11. Steve "Snowball" Saylor Producers/Hosts of This Week in Geek
  12. and Mike "The Birdman" Dodd - Producers/Hosts of This Week in Geek
  13. Brent Morris "The Closet Geek" - The Closet Geek Show host and producer, Web Developer / Information Architect at Cundari
  14. Chris "Chris24" Thomson - iMacTips, The Intrwb 2.0 Show, and WP Huddle (all currently on hiatus). Email, Personal Blog.
  15. John Meadows, creator of Smoky Times. and On the Log podcasts.
  16. Paul Tedesco
  17. Glyn Evans glyn@stonehenge.ca Executive Producer / Partner, Stonehenge Media Group Inc.
  18. Nicholas Montgomery, NichM - 13 year old Blogger, host of the live podcast Blastr, and creator of the new startup. MacintoshGUI contact@nichm.com
  19. Connie Crosby - conniecrosby (at) gmail.com http://conniecrosby.blogspot.com and co-host of the Podcamp Toronto Blog (now! with real podcasting action!)
  20. Scarborough Dude, DicksnJanes.
  21. Mike Allan, newmediaMike - http://newmediaMike.com
  22. Daniele Rossi, SuperSpud.com and StutteringIsCool.com
  23. Kristan "Krispy" Uccello Domainer Inc.
  24. Adele McAlear - Marketing Consultant adele@mcalearmarketing.com http://www.mcalearmarketing.com
  25. Tim Campbell (aka TimothyPilgrim) - Host and Producer of The Twisted Wrist Podcast and associated news blog.
  26. Stephanie Goetz, sgoetz (at) ryerson.ca, Learning Technology Specialist, Ryerson University
  27. Stephen Bush, Promodem Media and blog at http://www.ecologicliving.ca
  28. William Spaetzel - E-mail - CastRoller.com
  29. Tommy Vallier - Community Developer over at TalkShoe, and general new media fan/consultant.
  30. Frank Abrams - abrams at sympatico.ca --- www.frankabrams.com (podcasting startup in motion)
  31. Chris Montgomery - Chris A. Montgomery Architect - Architect & Podcast Enthusiast http://www.camarchitect.com
  32. Robin Yap - http://blog.robinyap.com Partner, Phronetic International (http://www.phronetic.ca)
  33. Edward Perry - eperry@worldhotels.com, eCommerce Director, Worldhotels.
  34. Jamie A. Ferguson-Woods - jamie dot fw @heavy.com, Sales Executive, Heavy.com
  35. Mitch Joel - Twist Image and host of Six Pixels of Separation - The Twist Image Podcast. - I may not be able to make, but please hold my spot... just in case.
  36. Jenny Bullough - Harlequin Enterprises Ltd podcasts
  37. Andy Strote - Context Creative
  38. Daniel Ho - Matrix Meridian Corporation / danielho.ca / The Learning Guys
  39. Elaine Singer - Sounds Great - Voice Talent
  40. Chris Clarke - Student PR and NATIONAL Public Relations
  41. Katherine Matthews - Purl Diving
  42. Rob Lee - Purl Diving (Just The Tech Guy :-) )
  43. Heather Delaney Two Boobs and a Baby +
  44. and Dave Delaney - Two Boobs and a Baby +
  45. Matthew Daniels -Host of Muiscprint podcast. owner of www.musicprint.wordpress.com, mattmacdaniels@gmail.com
  46. Wayne MacPhail - http://w8nc.com
  47. Sean Bush - Promodem Media
  48. Michael Mistretta - michaelmistretta *at* mac *dot* com - GeekChat
  49. Eden Spodek - espodek+@+gmail.com (remove plus signs before sending) - Bargainista and Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan
  50. Mircea Baldean - iSPINIT.com - Naturally Famous Tunes Podcast
  51. Doug Nix - Machinery Safety 101, dougnix*at*machinerysafety101*dot*com
  52. Mike Kujawski - Public Sector Marketing 2.0 -mike*at*mikekujawski*dot*ca
  53. Saul Colt - FreshBooks and The Smartest Man in the World
  54. Hans-Jörn Eich - ukunto.com
  55. Alan Kirker - abkirker*at*uwaterloo*dot*ca
  56. Ruth Haworth - rhaworth*at*sentex*dot*ca
  57. June Macdonald - beingdirect
  58. Kate George - cayeegee@yahoo.com
  59. -Francis Wooby - --http://www.wooby.ca-
  60. Ben Wong - Promodem Media
  61. Jim Milles - Check This Out!, UBLaw Podcast, and The Shadow and James Show
  62. Angela Carito-Walmsley, angelacw AT rogers DOT com, mélange and http://angelacw.tumblr.com
  63. Troy Whitmore - HangFlyer.com & MediaAngles.com
  64. Marko Kulik - Photography podcast & Pet podcast
  65. Gillian Hatton - Cybersensibilities & Location Strategies & dog blog at Terrier Tails
  66. Martin Cleaver - BlendedPerspectives.com - Wiki Consulting: Strategy, Process, Technology & People
  67. Philip Campbell - me.dm (medium) - Web2.0 Developer, Producer of show \"thegravity\" show (9PM GMT), video support for podcampuk (one of the organizers)
  68. Roslyn Allen - writer, broadcaster, troublemaker.. social media instructor www.therozblog.com
  69. Vergel Evans - Host of the Lx7 Podcast (an Electronic Music Production & Artist Interview Podcast) - Co-Host of Last Call Kitchen Cooking Podcast
  70. Gary Schlee, does the blogging thing at A Class Act and the teaching thing at Centennial's Centre for Creative Communications
  71. Beth Lawrence, 'Grow See This' is my gardening blog and podcast.
  72. Gary Marriott, 'Grow See This' technical assistance and editing to Beth's gardening blog and podcast. Genius at large.
  73. Ninja hosts of the Hot Fossils and Rebel Matters Show . Facebook name: Ninjar DeHotFRM. Skype: Hotfrm E-Mail: hotfrm@gmail.com Podshow: http://hotfossils.podshow.com/">http://hotfossils.podshow.com/
  74. and Special K, hosts of the Hot Fossils and Rebel Matters Show
  75. Michelle Tampoya, Scotiabank
  76. Evan Bush-Promodem Media and Ecologicliving.com
  77. John Piercy - www.johnpiercy.com
  78. Alexander Repetski- www.giraffestudios.com
  79. Carol Bremner, blogs at www.canadianwelcome.ca
  80. Melanie Bremner, blogs at KDBdbbusinessservices.blogspot.com
  81. Cat - catfishshow (at) gmail (dot) com - CatFish Show
  82. Bob Goyetche - bobgoyetche (at) gmail (dot) com - Canadian Podcast Buffet, CatFish Show, Bob and AJ, Mostly Tunes
  83. Carolyn Tateishi - carolyn (at) ctateishi (dot) ca
  84. Caroline Kolch, Communications Assistant - University of Toronto Schools
  85. Mark Blevis - markblevis (at) gmail (dot) com - Canadian Podcast Buffet, Just One More Book, Electric Sky, Podcasters Across Borders
  86. Andrew Beatty - drewbeatty +@+gmail.com - TDSB Teacher, White Trash Land author, fearless Twitterer
  87. Violet Vale - violetvale7 (at) gmail (dot) com
  88. Cyrus Mavalwala, cyrus+@+advantiscomm.com (remove plus signs before sending) -- Advantis Communications
  89. Ernesta Rossi, ernesta at advantiscomm dot com Advantis Communications
  90. Tristan Homer - Jim Dupree: Enthusiast, Collective Productions
  91. Dan Misener - Jim Dupree: Enthusiast, Spark (CBC Radio)
  92. Michael Eh? - AnimeLondon.ca (video and possible podcast)
  93. Brian Hogg - Hoggworks - Writer, Filmmaker, Puppeteer - Creator of dotBoom
  94. Madelyne Hilker - Hoggworks - Scholar, Puppeteer - Puppet-builder for dotBoom
  95. Jerome Marrin, jerome (at) jeromemarrin (dot) com www.jeromemarrin.com
  96. [http://colin.smillie.ca"Colin Smillie] - [http://refreshpartners.com"refresh partners]
  97. Matthew Burpee
  98. Stevie Z - The Sieve! badlybentpub AT yahoo.ca
  99. Chris Ragobeer - Nametaggs.com
  100. Adriana Ieraci
  101. Julio Aguiar
  102. Ryan G
  103. Rick Weiss - CC&PR student @ Centennial College, blogs at Playing Games with PR
  104. Mark Raheja
  105. Camilo Acero - Creative Director - www.vloginternacional.com
  106. Kristina Lively -http://shadowandjames.com/, www.livelyhood.com
  107. Gisela McKay - gm -at- pixcode.com
  108. Michelle Boudreau - The Sieve! michelleandsteve+@+rogers.com (remove +)
  109. Mary Shields - radio host - http://www.erinradio.ca/
  110. Ray Acayan
  111. Alan K'necht - Founder/President at K'nechtology - http://www.knechtology.com - Blog - www.knecht-it.com
  112. Jennifer Lyall healthymomsconnect (@at ) rogers (.dot ) com
  113. PJ Wade, THE CATALYST - http://www.TheCatalyst.com
  114. Gabriel Mansour — web junkie, podcast enthusiast & wannabe podcaster
  115. Libin Pan
  116. bob rhodes robertirhodes@gmail.com
  117. David nankoff davidnankoff@yahoo.com
  118. Roberto Baca - roberto.baca@gmail.com Website developer for the Maytree Foundation.
  119. Kim Vallee - entertaining expert, designer, tastemaker and writer - blog.kimvallee.com
  120. Jerome Paradis - Jerome's TOT and president of ParadiVision
  121. Susan Murphy - http://suzemuse.wordpress.com Suzemuse and co-owner of Jester Creative Inc.
  122. Jonathan Lin - jhslin@gmail.com
  123. Vivian Hingsberg - http://www.rambleonblog.blogspot.com- So bummed that I can't make it! Was really looking forward to it.
  124. Joanne Campbell jojoc@rogers.com The Ottawa Citizen
  125. Malcolm Bastien - Ryerson IT Management Student - Blogs at http://openmode.ca
  126. Liam O'Doherty Avoid.net
  127. Cynthia Martyn http://mindingherbusiness.typepad.com
  128. Colin Jobe- Host of black community radio show The Cuttingedge on CHRY 105.5 FM, www.chry.fm , thecuttingedge02@yahoo.com
  129. Stephen Wdowczyk http://www.linkedin.com/in/stephenwdowczyk Director of Student Life NOW! www.studentlifeeducation.com
  130. Miranda McCurlie-- CC&PR student @ Centennial College
  131. Rayanne Langdon - Corp. Comm. & PR student @ Centennial College; blogs at Wide-eyed and Jaded
  132. Megan Ramsay - PR Student, Centennial's Centre for Creative Communications
  133. James Wadsworth - radio.laml.org
  134. Tod Maffin - CBC Radio's national technology columnist, blogger, and social media strategist: InsideTheCBC.com and TodMaffin.com
  135. (Sassy) Sonya Buyting - Host & Producer of Sassy Science podcasts and TV Host, Producer, & Director at High Fidelity HDTV.
  136. Duane Brown - Blogger at BandwidthCamp; PR/Marketing rep at Creative Traction; e-mail: duane @ creativetraction.com (no spaces).
  137. Russ Morgan- Marketing Coordinator @ Maritz Canada - myblog
  138. Sonja Andic, Account Coordinator, Cowan & Company, Toronto
  139. Victoria Fenner, Independent Radio Producer, Magnetic Spirits Productions.
  140. Peter West, Peter West Coaching, www.peterwest.ca
  141. Keith McArthur of com.motion, the social media division of Veritas Communications
  142. Douglas Walker of Webwalker.ca Shill Podcast and Social Media Today podcast
  143. Pierce Derks Geek Gamers & This Week In Geek, http://www.thisweekingeek.net
  144. & Ashley Pawliw- Geek Gamers & This Week In Geek, http://www.thisweekingeek.net
  145. Nicholas Osborne, http://impracti.ca
  146. Angelo Cerase - financial advisor and future podcaster, a_cerase@hotmail.com
  147. Amaya Thompson - Lead singer of "Uncle Seth", Podcaster (or at least talks on a podcast) email: amayathompson (at) gmail (dot) com
  148. Keith Burtis & Michelle Miszewski, KeithBurtis(Twitter Name) www.magicwoodworks.com (Blog Name) I am a woodturner/woodworker that is looking to start a video podcast with my craft. My work can be found www.flickr.com/keithburtis. Looking forward to first podcamp. Please add me on twitter or e-mail (magicwoodworks1@gmail.com) me for any information on meet up's etc...
  149. & Michelle Miszewski www.magicwoodworks.com
  150. Preston Buttons hosts of "Air Out My Shorts" (comedy podcast) www.airoutmyshorts.com
  151. & The Word Whore -- hosts of "Air Out My Shorts" (comedy podcast) www.airoutmyshorts.com
  152. Mark Giles of Scrap Time, Video Podcaster, Camera Assistant, Looking forward to my first Podcamp.
  153. Pod Father thepodfather08@yahoo.com
  154. Peter O'Connell, www.audioconnell.com and www.voxmarketising.com DOWNLOAD the official Podcamp Toronto 2008 podcast promo here: http://audioconnell.com/blog/?p=314
  155. Wendy Williams promoting "SHEESHAM and LOTUS" Old Time fiddle & banjo music: wendy5177@gmail.com
  156. Sylvain Grand'Maison du Québec en Baladodiffusion
  157. James Koole from Tucows
  158. Judith Campbell
  159. Louie La Vella - bpmtv host/producer & La Vella Mobile Radio (streaming audio) exec.
  160. Frank Di Tomasso - La Vella Mobile Radio director
  161. Ryan Saxby HIll (The Saxby Blog)
  162. Steve Harris steve+@+purpletreemedia.com (remove plus signs before sending) - Purple Tree Media, usually helping others get their podcasts out.
  163. Natalie Bomberry - nab@nabcommunications.com
  164. Wayne Shipley - wshipley@ryerson.ca
  165. Weina Wang - Electronic Services Librarian, University Health Network
  166. Shu Esther Jian - Comm studies major, graduated - ji.sesther@gmail.com
  167. Robin Browne consciousimages(at)gmail(dot)com. http://dabizblog.com
  168. Elissa Matthews - elissa.matthews@ryerson.ca
  169. Michael Baynger - http://theuseradvocategroup.com - Bridging the gap between end users and engineers (and loving it).
  170. Phil Rickaby - http://grinningskull.com - phil (at) grinningskull (dot) com
  171. Al Gritzmacher (Doc Wu) of the Buffalo Live Music Podcast   wnypodcast.com- (sorry I couldn't make it!)
  172. Henna Singh email: henna AT CanadianBeauty DOT com - www.CanadianBeauty.com
  173. Rob Clark, Social Media Analyst, Social Media Group - rob.clark@socialmediagroup.ca
  174. Richard Chassie
  175. Thomas Bergeron
  176. Nancy McGaughey- podcast listener, and long suffering podspouse
  177. Maggie Fox from Social Media Group (former podcaster - now I'm just a groupie) sadly, I'll be planning/recovering from my brother's engagement party :(
  178. Nancy Paiva- Photgrapher www.flickr.com/photos/torontogalphotos
  179. Stacey McLeod, section editor at toronto.com
  180. Stacey Boguslavskaya. marketing at www.wildapricot.com
  181. Andrey Tochilin, tochilin.com, marketing at Wild Apricot
  182. Brenna Flynn of com.motion, the social media division of Veritas Communications
  183. Shalindhi Perera, television/video producer
  184. Mark Boudreau, Podcaster and Blogger from The Rock and Roll Report
  185. Floyd Marinescu, Co-Founder/CEO of InfoQ.com software development community, and TheServerSide.com. We publish lots of video, books, media. :)
  186. Kyra Aylsworth - Podcast producer for Inside PR and general social media enthusiast hailing from Thornley Fallis Communications.
  187. Allan Sorensen
  188. Christopher Wulff
  189. Ryan couldreY - Dear Toronto dot com - zee vidcast
  190. Cass Enright - The Bar Towel amongst other things
  191. Connor "mosenori" Bevans - mosenmori@gmail.com
  192. Seema Sabnani- Marketing & Communications @ cfcfreates.com, The Canadian Film Centre- Promoting Canadian Talent in Film, Television,& New Media.
  193. Tammy Yiu – New Business Designer, TBWAToronto
  194. Christa Jean, webitor/blogger @ Petite Fashionista.com
  195. Guy Skipworth, Mediaco and fan of InsidePR
  196. Zoë Zwolak, PR & Partnerships Coordinator, Tilley Endurables
  197. Marce Bylinska, podcast listener, wannabe podcaster
  198. Sugal Dabakaeri, podcast addict
  199. Luke Rodgers
  200. Benjamin Gitterman, photographer & blogger
  201. Di Gallo, Cineplex Entertainment
  202. Jane Motz Hayes, WebFeat Multimedia Inc.
  203. Brian Moran, writer and, podcast newbie
  204. Geo Perdis, mediamaker and collaboration evangelist at Octopz
  205. Pat Furlong, PricewaterhouseCoopers
  206. Tom Cagley, blogger and podcaster www.spamcast.net
  207. Barb Cagley, SCK Design
  208. Chris Williams, Media (we're looking to hire) Contacts
  209. Sandra Johnson, myjanetblog AT yahoo DOT com (replace AT with "@" and DOT with ".")
  210. Lisa Samuels, Internet Marketing Manager at Annick Press
  211. Sue Edworthy, Marketing Manager, Artscape
  212. Tamera Kremer, Founder, Wildfire Strategic Marketing and (3i) blog
  213. Mark Harvey, High Road Communications
  214. Kim Fox, Manager, Digital Programming CBC foxk-at-cbc-dot-ca
  215. sam Hell, Musician and Podcaster, www.samhellmusic.com
  216. Crispin Bailey, Technologist & Blogger Lookdeeper.com
  217. Jason Verwey - 0ne Five Place
  218. Collin Douma - Social Media Group and radicaltrust.ca
  219. Jennifer McNenly, KM Coordinator, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
  220. Tuuli Hannula, PR Manager, Smak - www.smak.ca
  221. Nathan Adorjan (nadorjan@gmail.com)
  222. Jeff Higgins - (jefe46@gmail.com)
  223. (name removed March 23, 2012)
  224. Samantha Lovelace - Administrative Coordinator at Thronley Fallis Communications and Podcast Assistant to Kyra Alysworth
  225. Jamie Brown - Music producer and Samantha Lovelace's partner in crime
  226. Sammy Younan Rock Manager (writeto28@yahoo.com)
  227. Loretta Levinson - Consultant - LorettaLevinson@sympatico.ca
  228. Vinesha Perera, Co-founder, Celltrigen Inc., www.postbyme.com
  229. Janine Harris janine+@+purpletreemedia.com (remove plus signs before sending) - Purple Tree Media
  230. Jason Cable - jason@jasoncable.com GLBT Podcast/Blog from Pittsburgh, PA, USA... also one of many involved in PodCamp Pittsburgh
  231. Michael Estarez - Link Engage Toronto Website Marketing
  232. Scott Mac Donald - MAVERICK PR  Fuzzy Gloves
  233. Anne Abbott - anniecast.libsyn.com
  234. Jen Sagar jensagar@sympatico.ca
  235. Elisabeth Mozel, NATIONAL Public Relations
  236. Luke Pomorski, Cello Journey video podcast
  237. Nadine Lessio- dunderbug I make pretty things for the interwebs.
  238. Joseph Wilburn, PR Student @ Niagara College and Blogger, Cogitations of a PR Student
  239. Katherine Fisher, Online Marketing Specialist, EF Educational Tours
  240. Zoe Siskos, Social Media Group and http://www.mediumandthemessage.com.
  241. Amanda deVogel, Manager Sales & Marketing Programs, Scotiabank
  242. Melinda Van Patter, Client Relations Manager, Marketwire
  243. Andrew Malcolm, andrewmalcolm@shaw.ca, freelance writer and photographer
  244. Julien Smith, some random guy In Over Your Head
  245. Bobbie Smith, internal communications director, writer, knitter. Read My Footprint: http://readmyfootprint.wordpress.com
  246. Robin Khan, Recent grad of Digital Media Arts at Seneca College. Currently working in the field of videography, video editing and motion graphics. Attended Podcamp last year and had a blast!!!!
  247. Laura Brehaut, content producer
  248. Natalie Secretan, Centennial College: Public Relations & Corporate Communications. PR Blog: www.natsecretan.wordpress.com (Super Word Nerd).
  249. Edgar Maldonado, Journalist, sevenews@yahoo.com
  250. Laurent LaSalle of the Headphones required / Mets tes écouteurs podcast
  251. Andrew Rivett, freelance developer, photographer and blogger, Digital Mouse Works, PhotoFrog, The Paige Show.
  252. Many Ayromlou, IT Specialist, Nerdlogger.com, Photo Gallery.
  253. Bronwyn Page, bronwynpage@gmail.com
  254. Jeff Hinz, Friday Night Dance Party, RawVoice
  255. Erik Matelski, Social Media Junkie
  256. Jenny Zheng
  257. Aga Magdolen
  258. Stan Magdolen, www.parkinghunter.com
  259. Karol Les www.makeshiftrecords.com
  260. Russel Hale from Ramble WIth Russel podcast at http://ramblingruss.libsyn.com
  261. Jeff Lagerquist - Erin Radio - www.erinradio.ca
  262. Stan Horbczyk, Lawyer, www.showlaw.com
  263. Sunir Shah, marketroid, www.freshbooks.com
  264. Arianne Robinson, ariannerobinson@gmail.com
  265. Adrian Ionescu, GLPrint Business Cards
  266. Michelle Campbell
  267. Patrick O'Sullivan, pg.osullivan@gmail.com
  268. Lisa Hamilton, 58Ninety, Client Engagement Manager, lisa (at) 58ninety (dot) com
  269. Debra Douglass, debra@pilotpmr.com
  270. Maria Kubyshkina designer, writer, filmmaker www.kmaria.com
  271. Kimberly Anderson Communications writer, Ryerson PR student kimberly.anderson@ontario.ca
  272. Ryan Maule, freelancer/podcaster extrordinaire VGM Daily http://www.vgmfusion.com (rmaule@gmail.com)
  273. Lizanne Donnelly, PR ingenue lizannedonnelly@mac.com
  274. Diana Moore, modriana(at) gmail.com, TV Producer/wannabe podcaster
  275. Brian Coleman, brianjcoleman (at) gmail.com, Project Manager Trapeze Media
  276. Robert Mills, contact@millsworks.net, millsworks.net
  277. Jess Bennett, Public Relations Practitioner, Blog Campaigning
  278. Matt Drennan-Scace, Media and Communications Coordinator, http://www.media-network.org">The Media Network for a Smoke-Free Ontario
  279. Chris Brogan, generally nice-ish guy, co-founder of PodCamp,[chrisbrogan.com]
  280. Paul Short, Pro Blogger and part-time video podcaster at PaulShort.com
  281. rachel young - education and training blogger, life-long life-wide learner [http://ruyoung.wordpress.com]
  282. cullen scannell, cullensATgmailDOTcom
  283. Joseph Hurtado, software developer, amateur photographer, writer and aspiring podcaster Twitter , Flickr 
  284. Paul Boelen, consultant, pwb advisory group, pboelen@sympatico.ca
  285. Janice Moran, designer, jessdewet@aol.com
  286. Michael Fox, Consultant, http://urbanjazz.ca
  287. Christopher Fowler, sirique (at) hotmail
  288. Kristen Marano, Communications and Marketing, Mount Sinai Hospital
  289. Dave Senior, New Media Producer, Software developer, Entrepreneur
  290. Nic Neath, Visio Limited. Earf Pusher, Minimal Techno Enthusiast, Aspiring New Media Producer. nicneath@gmail.com
  291. HiMY SYeD, Islamic Banker, Torontopreneur, Co-Founder of Torontopedia.ca
  292. Karen Sun , Executive Director - Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter
  293. Lisa Bradburn, Project Manager, Digital Programming, CBC lisa_bradburn@hotmail.com
  294. Lara Torvi, Communications Coordinator, Cabinet Office
  295. Steven Green, Manager, Creative Serivces and New Media, Cabinet Office
  296. Tracey Ormerod, ormerod_tracey@yahoo.com
  297. Gina Collymore, Communications Associate, gcollymore@rogers.com
  298. Steven James May, War on Symmetry, http://waronsymmetry.com
  299. Avrum Nadigel, avrum.nadigel (at) gmail DOT com
  300. Dino Demopoulos, Chroma, Plannersphere on Facebook, Planner at TBWA
  301. Ryan Gamble > Passionate innovator of online communication experiences
  302. Mou Mukherjee - IT B2B Marketer, blogs at cadenceblog
  303. Kate Robinson, Corporate Communications Student at Seneca College, m.kate.robinson@gmail.com
  304. Chelsea P. Manders, virgin theatre arts podcaster and funny songstress, chelseapmanders@gmail.com
  305. James Musselman, james@stonehenge.ca Stonehenge Media Group Inc.
  306. Erik Canaria, aspiring podcaster
  307. Jess - jessicafranchesca@gmail.com
  308. Kelowna Vincent - Studio Media Designer, XM Satellite Radio - kelowna (allthewayat) xmradio dawt ca
  309. Peter Toccalino - researcher/writer, Innovia Partners
  310. Irene Spadafora, producer Indigo Audio
  311. Heather Leson, Customer Communications, Tucows
  312. David Jones, co-hosts the Inside PR podcast (which was strongarmed into playing the Podcamp Toronto promo by the persuasive Eden Spodek) and co-hosts Shill, the podcast, blogs at PRworks.ca and pays his bills as VP, Digital Communications at Hill & Knowlton's Toronto office.
  313. Amy Huynh, Corporate Communications student, huynh.amy@gmail.com
  314. Amphy Saygnavong, National Communications, Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada
  315. Michelle Chang, blogs at heightenperception, learns at Humber College in the PR postgraduate certificate program
  316. Emma Huang, Public Relations Certificate Program from Ryerson University
  317. Staffeen Thompson, Corporate Communications & Public Relations, Centennial College, http://www.debunkd.wordpress.com
  318. Andrea Ross - justonemorebook (at) gmail (dot) com - Just One More Book!! children's book podcast
  319. Quyen Ha, Consultant, Jesson Artmont Communications qha@jessonartmont.com
  320. Stephanie Kale, Journalist, Blogger
  321. Andray Domise - Life Worth-based Financial Advisor with International Captial Management. andray.domise@icm-canada.com
  322. Angelica Barr - Digital Media Specialist http://www.linkedin.com/in/angelicabarr
  323. Michelle Joseph - getunderscoreredathot
  324. Todd Hutchings - Director, Distance Learning, OHA, thutchings(at)oha(dot)com
  325. Fenton Jagroop - Technical Coordincator, Distance Learning, OHA, fjagroop(at)oha(dot)com
  326. Rebecca Moonah - Assistant, Distance Learning, OHA, rmoonah(at)oha(dot)com
  327. Cheryl Sandys - Standard Life
  328. Sarah Gardiner - Irish Academy of Public Relations
  329. Trina Boos, Account Director, MacLaren MRM - trina@adlounge.ca
  330. Donna Papacosta of Trafalgar Communications and PodcastYourConference.com and host of Trafcom News Podcast   (attending Saturday only)
  331. Shirley Yee - www.happyworker.com
  332. Kiran Sandhu- Public Relations Certificate- Humber College
  333. Sarah Daly - Public Relations Consultant, Veritas Communications daly(at)veritascanada(dot)com
  334. Nelson Fernandes - Project Manager, Interactive, Trapeze Media nelson@trapeze.com
  335. Nancy Rebholz, outreach specialist, University of Wisconsin-Madison nrebholz@education.wisc.edu
  336. Nicolle & Alistair Morton, Geeks, Peapod Studios
  337. Kimberly Lyn, Seneca College, ktlyn@learn.senecac.on.ca
  338. Helen Karrandjas, Account Director, MMRM
  339. Glenn Teneycke
  340. Merlene Paynter - merlenepaynter.com
  341. Karin Maier, CC&PR student @ Centennial College, karinmk@rogers.com, student blog PRattle On
  342. Sulemaan Ahmed
  343. Whitney Hoffman,The LD Podcast, Podcamp Philly, Podcamp NYC and Podcamp Boston 2 organizer. Glad to be able to make it!
  344. Joseph Stabb, New Media Editor at News 4, Buffalo; Public Relations Graduate Student @ Buffalo State College, joe@joestabb.com or joe.stabb@wivb.com
  345. Travell Perkins, tlperkins at gmail.com, Founder RGB Daily.com
  346. Siobhan Fitzmaurice siobhanfitzmaurice@gmail.com
  347. Rochelle Williams rochelle.will@hotmail.com
  348. Matthew Harris, www.foodea.com
  349. Matthew Cloutier, www.foodea.com
  350. Mike Blankier, www.foodea.com
  351. Natasha Carr, Corporate Communications and PR student @ Centennial College, blogs at: http://journalist77.wordpress.com (FeelMyFire)
  352. Yiping Ye, co-founder, Celltrigen Inc., www.postbyme.com
  353. Lee Dale - Loves to talk about Brand Communities at Smack.
  354. Matt Rintoul - Loves to make stuff work at Smack.
  355. Meaghan Fortner-Student
  356. Glenn McKnight, www.fbsc.com, http://oshawacommunityconservation.blogspot.com, Sustainable and Appropriate Technologies
  357. Janice DIner GM, Creative Director Ripple Social Media, Sharpe Blackmore Euro RSCG janice.diner@sharpeblackmore.com
  358. Marie Ainey, marie dot ainey at gmail dot com
  359. Matt Campagna, Full-time Film Maker and Part-time Podcaster.
  360. Anastasia Tubanos, New Media and TV Producer.
  361. Heather Adler, Online Producer at CBC, heatheradler (at) canada.com
  362. Laura Pasquini, Academic Advisor - Electronic Resources @ Academic Advising & Career Services, University of Toronto Scarborough, pasquini@utsc.utoronto.ca
  363. Suzanne Fernando, Electronic Resource Assistant @ Academic Advising & Career Services, University of Toronto Scarborough
  364. Mona Abunameh, Electronic Resource Assistant @ Academic Advising & Career Services, University of Toronto Scarborough, 05abunam@utsc.utoronto.ca
  365. Peter McGarvey, Managing Partner, GAP Opensource, www.gapopensource.com
  366. George Motoc, ethnic podcaster, Toronto. http://georgeradio.podomatic.com
  367. Sal Greco, Video Post Production, Rogers Communications Centre, Ryerson University salgreco@ryerson.ca
  368. CD Rudd, host of WebComic Talk Group, on TalkShoe (31253)
  369. Jose Leal, CEO, Toronto - http://www.wikiDOMO.com
  370. Jesse Collins, Moxy Webworks
  371. Carol Lee, York University Design
  372. Rock Jethwa, Manager User Experience, TELUS
  373. Lynn Sullivan, email dot lsullivan at gmail dot com, Project Manager
  374. Kris Schantz, Happy Worker and The Toy Agency
  375. Heidi Bedore, Happy Worker and The Toy Agency
  376. Ryan Wiseman, theOwen.com
  377. Lynda Rinkenbach, lrinkenb@ryerson.ca
  378. Mark van Tol, PR practitioner @ NATIONAL  - melkweg_@hotmail.com
  379. Michael "JyNx" Russell, Cream Team Entertainment, jynxyjynx@hotmail.com
  380. Alan Christopher Smith, Solutionist & Partner at The Movement, alan@themovement.info
  381. Aaron Foley, Smalltownunderground.net
  382. Alana DaSilva, student @ Centennial college CC/PR program, http://amdasilva.wordpress.com, www.centennialcollege.ca
  383. Darcy Fiander, producer: TVA Podcast with Todd Van Allen
  384. Kimberly Nix, Sponsor, Machinery Safety 101
  385. E-Lin Chen, Academic Advising & Career Centre, UT Scarborough
  386. Parker Mason BlogCampaigning
  387. Sharon Flynn Sharon_Flynn@cbc.ca
  388. Phouphet Sihavong phet22@hotmail.com
  389. Vandana Sen senv@peelregion.ca
  390. Liz Carren fullcircledesigns@mac.om
  391. Nic Schulz nicschulz@hotmail.com
  392. Andrew Wagar a_wagar@hotmail.com
  393. Elizabeth O'Grady, Online Marketing Consultant, Bata Shoe Museum
  394. Amy May McDougald, Creative Director & Owner, Heart & Soul Media / amy@heartandsoulmedia.com / www.heartandsoulmedia.com
  395. Chaka Ifill, Blacklight Bros. Inc, chaka_ifill@rogers.com
  396. Richard Adams, Ryerson University, richard.adams@ryerson.ca
  397. Josh Turner, turn'er around! PR, joshturner@rogers.com
  398. Sarah McGaughey, mainstreamgrrl@hotmail.com
  399. Kyle GLover, ky_elly@ hotmail.com
  400. Michelle Book, mbook@hotmail.com
  401. Ushnish Sengupta, ushnish.sengupta@gmail.com
  402. Vik Pahwa, vikpahwa@yahoo.ca
  403. Ryan McKillop, rmckillo@gmail.com
  404. Rhonda Bowen, Centennial College's Corporate Communications and Public Relations, blogs at learningtheropes.wordpress.com
  405. Kumarie Perera, Marketing Assistant, Ontario Hospital Association, kperera@oha.com
  406. Amy Cross, editor of the soon-to-be- launched Women Want Answers.com -- a collaborative news venture for women
  407. Brad Fortner, Program Director, Operations and Technolgy, Ryerson University and creator of Nonya Nerd! http://www.rcc.ryerson.ca:554/bfortner/tofcpug/may2007/file1.mov
  408. Anamaria Tivadar, ativadar@gmail.com
  409. Chris Moakler, video editor & shooter, moaklermagic@msn.com
  410. Andrew Young, Puppeteer, Blogger, Filmmaker & recent Twitter convert
  411. Tari Akpodiete - Tari+Akpodiete+@+gmail.com (remove + to email) - Chief Blogger and Manager of Community & Communications for Moviestorm - http://www.moviestorm.co.uk (free machinima software); technology & entertainment journalist; writer/producer/director (film & television)
  412. Lauren Toppozini - hellagood27@gmail.com
  413. Billi Jo Cox, Director. BACCHUS Canada a division of The Student Life Education Company www.studentlifeeducaiton.com
  414. Keka DasGupta, Precision Markting Group, kekadasgupta@rogers.com
  415. Hester Fuchs, Precision Marketing Group, hester_fuchs@hotmail.com
  416. Anthony Burroughs
  417. Drew Burroughs
  418. Matt Watson
  419. Steve Iannetta
  420. Patrick Keenan
  421. Derek Stockley
  422. RD Shaw - The Special
  423. Annalicia Kaban - macsilu@hotmail.com
  424. Lei Finke - finkez@gmail.com
  425. Mathijs Gajentaan, Marketing Manager, VisualSonics Inc.
  426. Diego Salgado, Project Manager, Four Peas Marketing
  427. Prevost,Gerry,- ontariogeocacaching podcast - ontariogeocaching@gmail.com
  428. Jason Myles, Principal, The A-List Agency - www.thealistagency.com
  429. Edward Gorodkine, ETRIX Communications - edgor@rogers.com
  430. Dougal Bichan, producer/director, principal, Dougal & Co. Inc.
  431. Saleem Khan, journalist
  432. Andrea Vascellari, Entrepreneur, Podcaster, Blogger; aka andreavascellari on ooVoo ( Blog Media Channel Life Stream Twitter Jaiku ) mail (at) vascellari (dot) com
  433. George aka RyeBlogger; blogger at BlogRyerson.ca - a Ryerson blog
  434. -------------------------------------------------2008 REGISTRATION CLOSED! PLEASE REGISTER 2009----------------------------------------------------



***For 2009 please register on the 2009 Registrants page***



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