"Z2P" -- Zero to Podcasting
A special two day session at Podcamp Toronto 2008
A group of 'veteran' podcasters are collaborating to deliver a two day workshop called Zero to Podcasting (Z2P) this February as part the PodCamp Toronto program. The sessions will be a mix of campfire/circle discussions and technical presentations aimed at helping everyone, from newcomers to advanced podcasters, start from nothing and then learn and shake up the skills necessary to plan, prepare, produce, publish and promote their podcasts.
Z2P is designed to arm the absolute newcomer with the skills and ideas to start podcasting by the end of day one, and help with additional skills such as portable recording and establishing and owning their Internet presence during day two. Regardless of your level of experience, the program is designed to help establish, strengthen and refresh all of your skills.
The collaborators include Katherine Matthews and Rob Lee (Purl Diving), Sage Tyrtle (Quirky Nomads), Scarborough Dude (DicksNJanes), Michelle Sullivan (Aquinas8788) and Bob Goyetche and Mark Blevis (Canadian Podcast Buffet and many others).
The full Z2P program and schedule will appear on the PodCamp Toronto wiki Schedule page at a later date. A summary and sequence of the sessions appears here for your information:
- Picking a topic and planning the podcast (45 min) -- Campfire / Circle Discussion
- Technology selection (45 min) -- Campfire / Circle Discussion
- Recording the show (45 min) -- Workshop
- Editing, mixing and producing the show (using Audacity) (2 parts; 75 min & 45 min with break in between) -- Workshop
- Getting started with Libsyn (including uploading and publishing your show) (45 min) -- Workshop
- Directories and promotion (45 min) -- Workshop
- Owning your online presence (30 min) -- Campfire / Circle Discussion
- YourName.com (with GoDaddy) (30 min) -- Workshop
- Your own WordPress site with a Libsyn back end (2 parts; 30 min each with break in between) -- Workshop
- The Podpress plugin (2 parts; 30 min each with break in between) -- Workshop
- Portable recording (30 min) -- Campfire / Circle Discussion
- Next steps (2 parts; 30 min each with break in between) -- Campfire / Circle Discussion
Here are the *unedited* notes we had up on the screen during Z2P :
- podictionary.com (Charles)
- purldiving.com (Katherine)
- itsapurlman.com (Guido)
- catfishshow.com (Cat)
- canadianpodcastbuffet.ca (Mark & Bob)
- quirkynomads.com (Sage)
- many marketing podcasts......
- twistimage.com/blog (six pixels of separation)
- insidepr.com
- jaffejuice.com (?)
- dicksnjanes.blogspot.com (Scarborough Dude)
- island podcasting
- justonemorebook.com
- electricsky.net
- penmachine.com
- lx7.ca
- SoundFlower (Audio thingie for mac)
- Pamela (Skype recorder)
- Parliant (mac solution for skype recording)
- Skype (Internet phone application)
- Audio Hijack pro (mac audio recording)
- Skype recording tutorial (podcast academy http://www.blogarithms.com/index.php/archives/2007/12/23/skype-for-interviews/)
- Lightsnake.com (USB to XLR cable $40)
- Podcasting rigs (http://podcastacademy.com/pcr-index/)
- m-audio microtrack (www.m-audio.com)
- Zoom H2 & H4 recorders (www.samsontech,com)
- http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
- free services for phone numbers for people to call in comments ( www.k7.net www.j2.com )
- sound converter for mac (http://www.dekorte.com/projects/shareware/SoundConverter/)
- LAME mp3 encoder ( http://lame.sourceforge.net/index.php )
- RAZORLame (Front end for LAME http://www.dors.de/razorlame/ )
Spam Control on wordpress blogs: Akismet, Spam Karma 2, denfensio.com
domain sites
- godaddy (not great for hosting)
- hostmysite.com
- moniker (names)
- netfirms.ca ( .ca domains)
- domainsatcost.ca
- http://podcast.penmachine.com/audio/audio.html
- lx7.ca
- podsafemusicnetwork.com
- garageband.com
- jamendo.com
- magnatune.com
- http://www.creativecommons.ca/blog/2007/06/26/podcasting-legal-guide-for-canada/
- Put a link to what you use on your podcast page
- directory of directories
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