
Mentor Lounge 2009

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years ago


Podcamp Toronto 2009 Mentor Lounge


What is the mentor lounge?


The lounge has been designed to be a place where people new to the world of new media, and veterans in this space, can come together and make connections. People, by nature, are often too shy to break the ice and say hello to someone random, so we've designed the lounge to break down these barriers and allow for an easy forum for Q&A to occur.



So... How does this work?


Well, we've reserved a room for the last session block on Saturday and Sunday the lounge to take place. We're breaking the room into "areas" of expertise, each touching on a different facet of new media: audio podcasting and production, video podcasting and production, blogging, social networking and communities and technical stuff. We'll divide folks off into groups or pair you up one-on-one and handle the introductions, so that you can focus on asking - and answering - questions. We've tossed the sessions towards the end of the day, too, so that you've got a chance to ask questions you come up with during the daytime sessions!



How can I help out?


Easy! If you feel you're knowledgable in a specific area, just toss your name in the right area below and mention the day (or days) you're looking to volunteer - then just show up! If you're the first one to sign up, feel free to toss out the example person!





Audio Podcasting and Production

Video Podcasting and Production

  • Sample Expert, Saturday


  • Knowledgable Folk, Sunday only 

Social Networking and Communities

  • Facebook Guru, Saturday only.

Technical Stuff





The Mentor Lounge is being moderated and organized by Tommy Vallier. Ask away by email:

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