Podcamp Toronto 2008 Media Archive
If you have additional links for any presentations, please add them below.
(just be careful--it's a finicky page. If you mix it up, cancel out and start again. Thanks!)
10:00 AM
- Orientation & Opening Presentations
10:45 AM
- Facebook Marketing - Colin Smillie
- Social Media & Networking Starter Guide - Chris Brogan
- Zero to Podcasting
11:30 AM
Making it Stick - Whitney HoffmanSocial Media in a Disaster - Dave Fleet
- Living On The Cloud - Tommy Vallier
- Zero to Podcasting
1:00 PM
Free Stuff - Mike "The Birdman" DoddSoundwalking and Creative Listening - Victoria FennerIntroducing the Social Media Press Release - Collin DoumaZero to Podcasting 1:45 PM
podcasting.biz: Go beyond plain text to enhance your PR and corporate communications - James KoolPodcasting via P2P and other Alternative Forms of Distribution - Vergel EvansProducing Audio Books for Fame, Fun and.. - Sean McGaughey, Andrew Beatty, Steve "Snowball" SaylorZero to Podcasting 2:30 PM
How the Alzheimer Society of Ontario fell in love with social media, podcasting and Web 2.0 - A Corporate Social Media Case Study - Wayne MacPhailBeginner's Guide to Starting a Blog (WordPress.com demonstrated) - Jason CableMarketing & New Media: A Discussion - moderated by Jay MoonahZero to Podcasting 3:15 PM
Everything You Need to Know About Second Life - by Jenny Bullough and Eden SpodekVideo podcasting for beginners - Vergel Evans and Bill DeysPodcasting your Passion: How to be Creatively Motivated - Steve Saylor
4:00 PM
Podcasting on a Budget - Russel HaleFreshbooks and Yahoo! Take you to the Good Ol' Hockey Game Roundtable discussion for those involved in corporate podcasting - facilitated by Donna Papacosta, Wayne MacPhail and Victoria FennerThe Mentor Lounge - moderated by Tommy Vallier
Zero to Podcasting
SUNDAY ****10:00 AM
- Campfire Discussion - Connie Crosby and Eden Spodek
- Stand Up and Breathe! Vocal Techniques for Podcasting - John Meadows
- Zero to Podcasting
10:45 AM
Green-Casting: Handing the baton to the next generation of Eco-Educators - Ryan Wiseman and Glenn McKnightChime In! How to tie Talkshoe into your existing communities - Tommy VallierWho's Listening? How to avoid 3 big communication mistakes and boost your audience at the same time - PJ WadeZero to Podcasting 11:30 AM
Twitter 101 Panel - Eden Spodek, Tommy Vallier, Dave Fleet and Connie Crosby; moderated by Adele McAlearOpen Source Podcast Production Tools - John Meadows and Sean McGaugheyZero to Podcasting 1:00 PM
From start to finish - Your own studio set up - Pierce "The Punk" DerksNew media. Old ethics. - Keith McArthur & Mathew IngramZero to Podcasting 1:45 PM
Behind the scene of Status Competition: creating a Facebook application - Jerome Paradis and Kim ValleeWeb Stats and Web Analytics - Vergel EvansZero to Podcasting 2:30 PM
Wikis: the what, where, how and why. An introduction - Martin CleaverBeing a Musician in the 21st Century - roundtable - Sean McGaughey, Jay Moonah, Amaya Thompson and Vergel EvansZero to Podcasting 3:15 PM
Creating mashups with Yahoo Pipes - William Spaetzel
- Branding with Twitter - Dave Delaney
- Zero to Podcasting
4:00 PM
Social Media & Branding: a live ooVoo video panel - Mitch Joel, Mitch Canter, Laura Fitton and Andrea Vascellari - moderated by Jay MoonahZero to Podcasting
Comments (2)
Anonymous said
at 4:29 am on Feb 27, 2008
Just out of curiosity, I know that the videos are cached, but if we wanted to save the files directly. How would we go about doing that?
TimothyPilgrim said
at 11:36 pm on Feb 27, 2008
I've got to agree with Steve. I'm having troubles streaming any of the video files since they crash only a few seconds into play. It would be nice to DL them and watch them locally.
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